Being involved in #GoodCallsHome has transformed the communication within our learning environment, with their parents and is acting as a catalyst for learning that I had not anticipated. I'm experiencing more meaningful conversations with our students and with their parents because I care enough to call home to recognize our engaged learning, their willingness to struggle through challenges and our desire to raise the bar in education through relationship building, timely feedback and relevant learning activities.
As of the date of this post, nearly 40 educators have "yielded to the calling" and are making two or more positive calls home to parents weekly as a way of keeping parents updated, leveraging their support for our students and simply recognizing the great learning and sharing happening in our classrooms! More and more educators are seeing the many benefits of taking the time to unite parents, students and teachers in conversation around our learning.
Every parent I have enjoyed speaking with has expressed appreciation for the call and for the engaged learning we're experiencing in our first month of this new school year. Our students are responding with a greater commitment to their education and have started asking, "Have you call my parents yet?". Every time I get off the phone after one of these uplifting #GoodCallsHome, I have a renewed appreciation for being a dedicated educator. I also appreciate the support that every parent is providing to our students on the home-front.
As one of the members of our Professional Learning Network (PLN) recently stated, "#GoodCallsHome is having a trans-formative impact on learning!". Thanks to Eric Turner (@_EricTurner) for this recognition and the reminder of how important it is for parents and teachers to be in regular communication for our students!
To fill out our #GoodCallsHome survey and ignite the learning, click here!
Every parent I have enjoyed speaking with has expressed appreciation for the call and for the engaged learning we're experiencing in our first month of this new school year. Our students are responding with a greater commitment to their education and have started asking, "Have you call my parents yet?". Every time I get off the phone after one of these uplifting #GoodCallsHome, I have a renewed appreciation for being a dedicated educator. I also appreciate the support that every parent is providing to our students on the home-front.
As one of the members of our Professional Learning Network (PLN) recently stated, "#GoodCallsHome is having a trans-formative impact on learning!". Thanks to Eric Turner (@_EricTurner) for this recognition and the reminder of how important it is for parents and teachers to be in regular communication for our students!
To fill out our #GoodCallsHome survey and ignite the learning, click here!
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