Saturday, August 30, 2014

Thankful to be a Lead Learner!

In this blog post, I'm planning to hit the high points of my recent growth, enthusiasm and shift in thinking. My mind is currently being bombarded with divergent thoughts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Understanding by Design (UbD), Standards-Based Learning (SBL), a Culture of Learning (COL), sharing with Google apps, differentiation, feedback, collaboration and the wealth of knowledge I tap into daily with our Professional Learning Network (PLN) on Twitter!

COLchat to Action (#COLchat) on 7/29/14 - Educators gathered at the Swartz Creek Center for the Performing Arts in Michigan to share thoughts, experiences and aspirations of what constitutes a Culture of Learning (COL) where students and teachers can collaboratively empower in a student-centered environment that prepares everyone for our uncertain future. Of course, one of our high points was finally meeting more members of our Professional Learning Network (PLN) face to face! During our conference, breakout sessions and after session meetups, it became very clear to me how important genuine listening is in the learning process. I found that by clearing my mind and having no agenda, I was able to intently focus on the conversation present and really learn and grow with the many great minds present. I plan to share this experience with our students during the 14-15 school year so all can be open to innovative learning. A very special thanks to the #COLchat leadership team of Michele Corbat, Rodney Hetherton and Adam Hartley and to the many presenters and contributors to this great conference!

Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching in New England (#ECET2NE) on 8/21/14 - As was stated in the purpose of our day of Professional Development (PD), "The ultimate goal of the conference is to ensure that every attendee is inspired to kick off the school year, determined to grow professionally, take on leadership roles, and inspire our students." What a full day of inspiration, collaboration and connection we had sharing before, during and after the many sessions! Our day began with the very approachable Katie Novak inspiring us with her positive demeanor, humor and entertaining approach to learning and sharing. We were encouraged to not only be leaders, but to recognize the importance of a leader's "first follower". Without that first follower, the leader is simply "dancing by themselves"! This prompted me to ensure that our student-centered learning environments are places where everyone is welcomed, valued, listened to and respected. We also need the collaboration, support and encouragement of each other. Otherwise, we're just having a conversation with ourselves. After our opening session with Katie, I choose to learn and use the Standards of Mathematical Practice with the engaging Suzy Brooks. Suzy had created several hands-on creative activities to demonstrate the importance and communication of the Math Practices. Suzy's session was followed by a mind-blowing session led by Katie Novak on how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) integrates with the Danielson Framework for Teaching and the Educator Evaluation system. Katie gave us so much to think about and integrate into our teaching and learning so teachers and students alike are engaged, empowered and excited every day! I realize I need to study the UDL guidelines more, even though I've been incorporating many of them into our learning experiences. We were then entertained and sang along with the engaging Dr. Irvin Scott in his brief presentation on the importance of the ECET2 mission and how to share that mission. After lunch, we were led by Dan Ryder and Jeff Bailey through many technological opportunities to strengthen learning with Universal Design for Learning. Our day concluded with three inspirational and enlightening presentations by two students and a veteran educator. The two students shared their experiences of and appreciation for great teachers and their significant contributions on students and their futures. David Hochheiser, inspiration behind our new #EdChatMA and a constant contributor to our PLN, shared his journey as an educator and provided closing comments for the day.

First 4 Days of our 14-15 School Year from 8/25/14 to 8/28/14 - On Monday, August 25th, our newly appointed Superintendent of Schools, Mary DeLai, delivered a message of hope, calmness and reassurance to all educators in Wilmington Public Schools (MA). She reiterated how important trust, respect and communication are to a Culture of Learning (COL). In hindsight, she should have received a standing ovation for her welcome back speech and I should have been that first follower! She suggested we "take our foot off the accelerator" for just a bit to get our bearings and a proper perspective. On Tuesday, August 26th, our students plowed through the front doors of the school with smiles, great expectations and sporting new clothing and new kicks! So many of our students greeted me with the appreciation to be back with me to learn, to be inspired and to learn and grow together. Others stated they were appreciative to be shown a step by step approach to problem solving while others shared they knew this would be the year they'd "learn how to learn"! One young man stated, "Mr. Rowe has not only taught me to be a better math student, but also a better person, teaching us about confidence and leadership"! With students like this, how can we not offer them our very best every day! On our second day of school, prior to 8am, our seniors and I in Trigonometry were discussing the importance of respect, leadership and confidence in our learning environment. I had just asked our students to describe what it would look like if someone stood in our doorway exuding confidence. At that very moment, our Superintendent of Schools walked in our room and paused in the doorway! We were all stunned! She greeted us and I immediately shared what we had been discussing. She lit up and asked our students to describe that confidence. I could not have been more proud of the response from our students or the fact that our new Superintendent was already walking the hallways to experience our learning!

With a refreshing summer filled with professional development and an amazing first week of school, just imagine the possibilities for learning, growing and taking on new challenges with this 14-15 school year!

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