Saturday, March 29, 2014

Inspired by our Professional Learning Network (PLN)

I expected to just "lurk" in a new Twitter chat for me, #paesspchat, with true leaders in education. However, their stimulating conversation drew me right in!

Facilitated by Dr. Bill Ziegler, with a Guest Moderator of Eric Sheninger, the conversation of Digital Leadership was intriguing. Most participants in the chat were Principals, Assistant Principals and other schools leaders. It was refreshing to tap in to the minds of these visionary leaders as to the direction of education. The 3-27-14 #paesspchat archive is available. #paesspchat stands for Pennsylvania Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals.

Saturday mornings would not be complete without the camaraderie and learning from our moderators Dr. Darin Jolly, David Culberhouse and Shelley Burgess in #satchatwc. The "wc" is for West Coast.

This weekly learning or Professional Development (PD) encourages and empowers me with innovative thoughts and ideas for the week ahead with our inspirational high school students. I equate the time I spent in these valuable Twitter chats as my HW for the week. This weekly PD energizes me to become a better educator each week. Our students deserve our very best!

Finally, speaking of our students, I continue to learn from them each week. Whether it's during a class discussion, an after school face-to-face extra help session with a student or a clarifying question from a student during a written Formative or Summative Assessment, I am better learning how they learn. The more time I spend collaborating and communicating with our students, the better I find I can help to facilitate our learning. Each week, I'm learning alongside our students. This is mostly due to the culture of learning we have fostered built on relationships, trust, respect and a genuine willingness to listen to one another.

I am a very blessed and grateful educator. I dedicate this post to our students and our PLN that inspire me each and every week. Thank you ALL!

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