Allow me to initially share that I continue to be extremely grateful to be an educator and to have the opportunity to positively influence the future for many. I live by the phrase, "To whom much is given, much is expected.". As my 14th school year draws to a close, I can say that my passion for our students and our learning is heightened with each passing year. I have grown professionally this year thanks to our Professional Learning Network (PLN) on Twitter. I have also become a more effective lead learner with the dedicated students I've had the pleasure of learning with this year!
With the help from #COLchat (with @MicheleCorbat @RodneyHetherton @AdamHartley2014 ), our students developed a Culture of Learning that empowered all students to be respected, valued and willing to participate in our collaborative learning. Some statements that I continued to hear this year were "I've never learned math like this before. I've previously struggled or been challenged by mathematical thinking. I can honestly say that math has become one of my favorite subjects and it's helped me in all of my other classes!".
Thanks to our students for remaining dedicated to each other and their studies right through our final exam week. Students committed themselves to studying and supporting one another with their collaborative questioning. Students continued to request "extra practice" in order to demonstrate their highest level of proficiency on our Final Exam or Summative Assessment. I even had some students that did not show their best on their final exam but were willing to stay the course, get even more "extra practice" and reassess! It paid off for each and every one of our students!
Thank you also to Danny Hill (@HillDw61) who inspired me and many others through his book BrickHouse!
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