Friday, September 6, 2013

Some High Points After 7 School Days

Most of my students and I have had a great start to our school year! Some of the contributing factors are:

  • The attitude and energy we bring to class every day enables us to learn and communicate effectively.
  • The respect and appreciation we share helps us to listen and value everyone's contributions.
  • The effort my students and I put into learning outside the classroom makes our time together in the classroom more productive,
  • My acquisition and understanding of Standards-Based Grading (SBG) from my Personal Learning Network (PLN) along with the willingness of my students to try this new approach will set the stage for an increase in learning and retention with excitement! 
  • My PLN and my students are already communicating well in class and outside the class with the help of Twitter.
  • Somehow I was blessed with an amazing group of students again this year! 
  • I know I can reach out to my PLN for support at any time. I'm grateful to be on a team with such dedicated educators, even if they reside in different states! 
  • Many of our students have already expressed the excitement they have for our school year! We will accomplish great things and have fun learning together!


  1. So many great points, I feel like each bullet could be it's own post! You started with such a simple yet powerful idea. I agree that the attitude one brings as the teacher really creates the atmosphere in the classroom. When a teacher (like yourself) spends so much time and energy learning on their own outside the classroom the outcome is bound to be very powerful!

    It is very impressive how you are utilizing your network both for your own growth, but also with your students. I love the use of your hashtag to capture the class conversation. I will look forward to following along this year, some of the tweets are bound to be good advertisements for your program- save them for a rainy day!

  2. Great ideas, perceptions and perspectives! Could not agree with you any more about the vital component of investing quality time outside of the classroom. When ardently and seriously invested (a sacrifice since time is of the essence as well as a great commodity), both the student and the learner will highly benefit and will be able to see that learning come into fruition. Thank you for investing wholeheartedly into our students' education. Thank you for your investment way beyond the classroom hours!
