@WHSRowe I'm floored by how insightful and self-aware your students are about their learning. #colchat -bon
— Gradeable (@gradeable) February 4, 2014
A4 A culture where constructive criticism is accepted begins by establishing trusting relationships. #COLchat
— Michele Corbat (@MicheleCorbat) February 4, 2014
A2: the fact that we are all in groups with the people we are most comfortable with is a great way to collaborate and understand! #COLchat
— Big (@_MyCousinVinny) February 4, 2014
.@WHSRowe's students created over 40 excellent questions to generate discussion tonight. It was difficult to choose only 7 for #COLchat.
— Michele Corbat (@MicheleCorbat) February 4, 2014
Our questions tonight were writen by @WHSRowe students- they are proving to be questions that get people thinking!! #COLchat
— Adam Hartley (@adamhartley2014) February 4, 2014
This has honestly been the best #COLchat I have been in. Shows how much culture is shown in many classes all over!
— Shannon (@ShannonG15) February 4, 2014
Concl: Ss have powerful voices & lend authentic perspective if we listen, @WHSRowe has created a model COL, #colchat inspires learning
— Brian Durst (@RESP3CTtheGAME) February 4, 2014
@RESP3CTtheGAME Honestly Brian, I'm humbled by the amazing students I learn with every day! #colchat
— Rik Rowe (@WHSRowe) February 4, 2014
@MicheleCorbat Rik is the reason I'm here @ #colchat in the first place- feels like family! @WHSRowe
— Jasper Fox Sr. (@jsprfox) February 4, 2014
A7 The S's who have been sharing show how important a COL is-it takes heart 2b a Gr8 teacher @WHSRowe. #Amazing #colchat
— Lisa Madden (@lisa_madden) February 4, 2014
A7 culture in my math class has helped me so much. Finally able to prove I'm just as smarts as others.. I just learn differently! #colchat
— sophie serna (@sophieserna) February 4, 2014
@WickedDecent @maggie_deli @WHSRowe Honestly, teachers who joke around always get my vote. A sense of humor relaxes everyone! #colchat
— Jacki Cote (@Jacki_Cote) February 4, 2014
A7 Rowe brings in the culture and immunity found in #colchat every day. He utilizes it and adapts it to his learning to help his Ss.
— Ryan Clark (@WHSRyan) February 4, 2014
@Jacki_Cote @WickedDecent @WHSRowe that's what I love about Mr. Rowe! You laugh and learn and have a little bit of fun! #COLchat
— Maggie D (@maggie_deli) February 4, 2014
A7: It keeps Ts and Ss in check. Constantly reminding us of the big picture and not the grades #colchat
— Jessica Kasparian (@JKasparian10) February 4, 2014
@MicheleCorbat @blocht574 Changing mindset changes the culture. We have to create that "anything is possible" #COLchat
— Rodney Hetherton (@RodneyHetherton) February 4, 2014
Thank you @WHSRowe for showing us how uplifting #colchat is :) #muchappreciated
— Christina Price (@Theaterchick96) February 4, 2014
“@JiNGL3MYTWiNKL3: To my last tweet! Teachers that are passionate about what they do, encourage us all. #COLChat pic.twitter.com/rTpvBbvWTN”
— Principal Evenson (@Legacyhartland) February 4, 2014
A1: a learning environment that encourages students to be engaged is one where they feel enlighten as well as helping others /JD #colchat
— Michael (@mDILO95) February 4, 2014
Awesome Ss tonight on #colchat thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your wisdom and experience to help us be better Ts
— Jasper Fox Sr. (@jsprfox) February 4, 2014
A5 Ss are focused on fun. Fun begins after work and work begins with learning. Learning is esstial to a prosperous life #colchat #WHSPrecal
— Ryan Clark (@WHSRyan) February 4, 2014
@MicheleCorbat A6 Teachers need to put in more intentional effort so that students will be inspired to do the same #COLchat
— David Rendall (@daverendall) February 4, 2014
@Jacki_Cote Yessss! Math was always my worst subject until this year! Now I feel like a math wizard! #COLchat
— Maggie D (@maggie_deli) February 4, 2014
"Your outcome is more important than my income." -@WHSRowe #colchat
— Mike Maggioli (@MAGG1OL1) February 4, 2014
A6: Regarding effort: when Ts share relevant and meaningful topics and Ss engage in the learning - Learning Explodes! #colchat
— Rik Rowe (@WHSRowe) February 4, 2014
@WHSRowe is perfect example. I hate math with a burning passion but he still makes me want to know the material. #rowe isawizard #colchat
— Jacki Cote (@Jacki_Cote) February 4, 2014
A5. If you are interested in something, you will be more willing to pay attention and you'll retain more information from it #colchat
— Meghan Stemmler (@MeghanStemmler) February 4, 2014
A4 Respect, Respect, Respect, Respect. #colchat
— Jacki Cote (@Jacki_Cote) February 4, 2014
A4 In a trusting envt the focus remains on learning. Feedback has a specific purpose toward growth #COLchat
— Brian Durst (@RESP3CTtheGAME) February 4, 2014
A3: for a student to be comfortable getting the answer wrong, no judging should be made when inside the classroom. #colchat
— Tommy Go®man (@ayyootomos) February 4, 2014
A3: Model the expectation that failure is a part of learning. Share mistakes. Be vulnerable. Let kids learn your heart. #colchat
— Bethany Hill (@bethhill2829) February 4, 2014
A3 if we get a question wrong in @WHSRowe class, he works with us until we understand the question better and can try again. #COLchat
— Shannon (@ShannonG15) February 4, 2014
@westhighbros Right! We have two ears and one mouth. Seek first to understand before being understood. #COLchat
— Michele Corbat (@MicheleCorbat) February 4, 2014
#colchat wow didn't know it was possible to break a sweat via twitter #CantKeepUp
— Douglas McGiever (@jakepumphret) February 4, 2014
@MicheleCorbat A3: Teachers have to be able to admit mistakes and weaknesses. Model being wrong. #COLchat
— David Rendall (@daverendall) February 4, 2014
@jsprfox When can I come to your class!? #COLChat
— Erica Mullaney (@JiNGL3MYTWiNKL3) February 4, 2014
A3 As WHSRowe students learn, being wrong isn't neg. it's simply another form of learning. #colchat #WHSPrecal
— Ryan Clark (@WHSRyan) February 4, 2014
A2: collaborating with your peers around you before running to the teacher brings so much culture to the classroom #colchat
— Jimmy Murphy (@madogmurph7) February 4, 2014
@RodneyHetherton Q3 To not judge the student trying to answer the question you just need to be supportive and help them out #colchat
— Cassie Grasso (@cassiegrasso_) February 4, 2014
It's amazing when an atmosphere exists where talk is encouraged & judgment is reserved. We need to support kids as social beings. #colchat
— Dennis Schug (@DJrSchug) February 4, 2014
A3; With a respectful culture, Ss and Ts can learn and grow together without fear but with excitement and engagement! #colchat
— Rik Rowe (@WHSRowe) February 4, 2014
A2 sometimes it makes more sense for our peers to explain something to us, less pressure to understand and much more comfortable #colchat
— sophie serna (@sophieserna) February 4, 2014
A3: Be their safety net in the classroom so they know if they are wrong, it is recoverable and not the end of the world #COLchat
— Steve Mefford (@Meffscience) February 4, 2014
A3: Allow opportunities to correct mistakes when they occur. ex--> give retakes on tests #colchat
— Jasper Fox Sr. (@jsprfox) February 4, 2014
A2 sometimes your peers can build off what a teacher has said and provide a better more simple answer for his/her peer #colchat @WHSRowe
— The Moon Man™ (@themoon_man22) February 4, 2014
@kenoc7 Good point. How we answer questions has a huge impact on whether students will be willing to take chances. #COLchat
— David Rendall (@daverendall) February 4, 2014
Why is being interested in learning so important? #COLchat
— Adam Hartley (@adamhartley2014) February 4, 2014
A3 to answer your ? You have to figure out how everyone ticks first then you can teach at pace that everyone will understand I thnk #COLchat
— Connor Grealish (@CGrealish) February 4, 2014
A3 I thnk a lot of the pressure put on Ss is frm other Ss. It would do evryone good to accept their peers and not judge #colchat
— Jacki Cote (@Jacki_Cote) February 4, 2014
@daverendall I believe a differentiated classroom taps into a variety of learning styles including independent work at times. #COLchat
— Michele Corbat (@MicheleCorbat) February 4, 2014
A3: @WHSRowe doesn't say we're wrong instead it's "Not quite" or "I'm looking for something else" it makes being wrong feel better #colchat
— Maggie D (@maggie_deli) February 4, 2014
I love #COLchat, but I've got to run! Great work, Ss! Thanks for being such a positive voice. Thx, @WHSRowe and mods. Happy Monday!
— Robin Dubiel (@RobinDubiel) February 4, 2014
@WHSRowe Students are more comfortable sitting with classmates that they know they can count on when the need help on something. #colchat
— Zach Leighton (@z_leighton3) February 4, 2014
Feedback is all determined in the 'intent'…we have to be very aware of what we are after because the intent will be very apparent. #colchat
— David Culberhouse (@DCulberhouse) February 4, 2014
A3: if you achieve a culture that is similar to family! Which we have in @WHSRowe class! #colchat
— Michael (@mDILO95) February 4, 2014
A2: Without an open classroom, students might be afraid of being wrong and won't ask questions #itsoktobewrong #COLchat
— Kyle Souza ™ (@ksouz12) February 4, 2014
A2: It is SO important to have an open classroom. Giving input, saying what you want to say, expressing opinions is very important #COLChat
— Erica Mullaney (@JiNGL3MYTWiNKL3) February 4, 2014
A2: Students have the chance to collaborate with their neighbors to solve problems and not feel embarrassed #colchat
— Shannon Moulton (@shannmoulton) February 4, 2014
A2: the student needs to feel comfortable to ask questions so they can obtain the best knowledge they can & to their best abilities #colchat
— Tommy Go®man (@ayyootomos) February 4, 2014
Stunned to have prior #colchat co-mod @daverendall with us in #colchat tonight! #FreaksUnite
— Rik Rowe (@WHSRowe) February 4, 2014
@bethhill2829 Too true! It is so much easier to learn when you feel as though others around you are trying to reach the same goal #colchat
— Jacki Cote (@Jacki_Cote) February 4, 2014
A2: sometimes it is less intimidating to ask a student a question then it is to ask the teacher #colchat
— McKayla Hersom (@m_hersom5596) February 4, 2014
A2: Allowing students to ask Q's & teach peers empowers Ss to demonstrate & share knowledge, deepening their own understanding #COLchat
— Silvana Hoxha (@Silvana_Hoxha) February 4, 2014
A2. I would also like to add that making friends in the classroom builds trust between other students and makes the class easier #COLchat
— Shannon (@ShannonG15) February 4, 2014
A2 it is good to have peers in your class because they will help you if you need help and ask the teacher questions that you might #COLchat
— Connor Grealish (@CGrealish) February 4, 2014
A1: a welcoming environment where the teacher is approachable #COLchat
— Connie (@evilconnievil) February 4, 2014
A2: When Ss interact with their peers, they collaborate and create understanding by working through it rather than handed answers. #colchat
— Rik Rowe (@WHSRowe) February 4, 2014
#colchat A1 a good learning environment is one where Ss are comfortable and it's okay to ask for a little help and struggle at first
— sophie serna (@sophieserna) February 4, 2014
A1. An enviroment that gets you learning in a way that keeps you entertained yet focused on the work #colchat
— Nicole Wright (@nicole_wright9) February 4, 2014
A1 a learning environment where others can strive off of ones productive and key information #colchat @WHSRowe
— The Moon Man™ (@themoon_man22) February 4, 2014
A1: students stay engaged when the entire class is in a learning environment and are able to give their input #colchat
— Shannon Moulton (@shannmoulton) February 4, 2014
@_MyCousinVinny: @MicheleCorbat I believe Ts have to create a well designed class environment for the Ss to become more alive! #colchat
— Rik Rowe (@WHSRowe) February 5, 2014
@_MyCousinVinny @WHSRowe Agreed! S’s need to see it’s okay to make mistakes. We’re all human. It makes them feel safer when they fail.
— Lauren Taylor (@LTaylorELA) February 5, 2014
A6: Well hey, we wouldn't be having #COLChat tonight if it weren't for the students and teachers putting in 110%
— Erica Mullaney (@JiNGL3MYTWiNKL3) February 4, 2014
@WHSRowe @MicheleCorbat @adamhartley2014 Wow. I don't know if I can picture Rik even more excited?!? #COLchat
— Rodney Hetherton (@RodneyHetherton) February 4, 2014